The Slow #37: Gratitude, Time, and a Rare Chance to Learn with My Teacher

October 21-24 in NYC

The Slow #37: Gratitude, Time, and a Rare Chance to Learn with My Teacher

October 21-24 in NYC


Welcome to The Slow Newsletter, your weekly dose of dazzling, aha-moment-generating Vedic wisdom. The Slow is where we break down teachings on meditation and consciousness to inspire easy, abundant living—even in the most demanding times.

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💬 Quote of the Week

When something—or someone—moves us in our growth and evolution, we give our thanks for the nudge forward.

Even when the lesson feels sharp, wrapped in heartbreak or frustration, there’s always a gift.

Every moment, whether it’s cozy with love or packed with challenges, is a teachable moment.

When we realize the so-called “bad” can transform into all good—when we add a bit of perspective and a willingness to learn—gratitude becomes more than just a “grit your teeth and smile” situation. It turns into a deeper understanding that, really, evolution is what’s always happening.

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📚 Knowledge Sesh: Why We Feel Like We’re Running Out Of Time

Do you ever feel like life’s chaos throws you into a never-ending race against time, where victory seems impossible??

I felt daily anxiety for the better part of 15 years, and many of my students and clients seek out meditation for anxiety relief.

Time anxiety is one of the most common forms of anxiety, and it can show up differently for each of us. This anxiety can manifest in different ways throughout our lives. That’s where the benefits of meditation step in to help manage negative thoughts and more.

Vedic Meditation helped me not only manage my time anxiety, but eliminated it for good.

Click here to read the full article I wrote about the causes of time anxiety and how a meditation practice can help.

🌟 Learn Vedic Meditation with Thom Knoles

This weekend, someone asked me what “Jai Guru Deva” means and why it resonates so deeply in our community. Here’s a quick breakdown:

  • Jai = Joy to, I acknowledge
  • Guru = That which removes darkness
  • Deva = A shining one

When we say “Jai Guru Deva,” we honor the teachers and teachings that have illuminated our path, helping us evolve by shedding light and wisdom on our journey.

Whenever I think of steady guidance in my own growth, I think of my teacher, Thom Knoles.

I’m excited to invite you to learn with Thom in New York City next month. From October 13-24, he’ll be hosting free Introductory Talks and offering a Learn to Meditate course.

Sitting with Thom is one of the greatest gifts life can offer. Many meditators say an hour with him feels like a year of therapy. Personally, I think that’s an understatement—the clarity he brings will quickly guide you into the next phase of your evolution.

Although my group courses are paused until next year, this is a rare opportunity to be personally initiated into an ancient, powerful meditation practice by a true master.

Click here to learn more about all the incredible opportunities with Thom next month. I hope to see you there!

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